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Beef Suet Fat (for rendering)

Beef Suet Fat (for rendering)

Pure beef suet from around the kidneys. Render into tallow.
$6.99 /lb.
Avg. 5 lb.

100% grass fed beef suet, the purest of all beef fat, is collected from around the kidneys.  

Render into creamy tallow that can be used for many purposes including baking, frying, candle making, or to incorporate into lotions and creams.  In fact, the only lotion strong enough to protect our hands and faces during the cold winters on the farm is Tallow Cream. 

Rendering beef suet into tallow is easy!  Simply cut the suet into small pieces and place in a pot on the stove or even in a crockpot.  Cook on low, stirring occasionally to prevent anything from sticking, until the fat has become liquid.  Then strain through a cheese cloth lined colander to remove the "cracklin's".  Pour the fat into jars or other containers and refrigerate or freeze to extend shelf life.  If you'll be cooking often with the tallow, feel free to keep the jar on the kitchen counter, as it will be much softer.  Bonus tip:  save the cracklin's and heat in a pan until they're crispy.  Season with salt and enjoy this unknown treat!