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Our Animals

100% Grass Fed and Grass Finished Beef

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We raise 100% grass fed and grass finished Red Angus beef from calves born directly on our farm. Using rotational grazing, our cattle are moved to fresh pastures each day during the growing season. This high density grazing controls weeds naturally and maximizes forage growth. Nitrogen is provided to the soil with plantings of clover and alfalfa. We NEVER feed grain or GMO's, as these have no place in the diet of cattle who are both herbivores and ruminants. During the winter months, we feed fermented grass hay "silage" that we grow, cut, and bale ourselves throughout the summer. This is the absolute highest quality grass and costs significantly more for us to produce compared to traditional "dry" hay. Additionally, we never use herbicides or pesticides on our pastures or hay fields and we never feed growth hormones or routine antibiotics in the care for our cattle. It takes us 30+ months to raise cattle on pasture which is nearly double the time requirement of typical confinement/grain fed operations.​ Depending on the time of year, we may have as many as 300-350 cattle on the farm.

We pride ourselves in the love and stewardship of the land, treating animals with respect, and raising exceptional meat. All of our 100% grass fed beef is dry aged for tenderness and increased flavor. We use a low volume, high quality butcher who cuts, vacuum packs, and flash freezes each cut separately for freshness. This packing also allows for sous vide cooking. We believe the only way to guarantee that the beef you are buying is raised on 100% grass and cared for well is to visit the farm and meet the farmer that raised it. If you have a question about our practices, please write, call, or stop in to chat. We welcome hearing from you and would enjoy meeting you.​

Why Red Angus beef?

"Angus Beef is known for it's finely marbled meat, tenderness, juiciness and preferred flavor over many other breeds."

George Grant brought four Angus bulls from Scotland to the middle of the Kansas Prairie in 1873, and these four Angus bulls, probably from the herd of George Brown of Scotland, made a lasting impression on the U.S. cattle industry. Farmers took notice of their hearty breeding stock and superior meat qualities.  The first great herds of Angus beef cattle in America were built up by purchasing stock directly from Scotland. Twelve hundred cattle alone were imported, mostly to the Midwest, in a period of explosive growth between 1878 and 1883. Over the next quarter of a century these early owners, in turn, helped start other herds by breeding, showing, and selling their registered stock. Because of their native environment, the cattle are very hardy and can survive the harsh winters, with snowfall and storms. The cattle have a large muscle content and are regarded as medium-sized. The meat is very popular in Japan for its marbling qualities. Angus beef develops with better marbling than most cattle, which improves flavor, tenderness, and keeps meat juicy while cooking (especially at high temperatures). Angus beef is considered the "gold standard" by high end steakhouses and meat connoisseurs across the globe.


100% Pasture Raised, Slow Growing Heritage Breed Pork

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What started out as a simple quest to find the highest quality pastured pork for our family led to a new farm venture.  When we couldn't find pork that was raised the way nature intended, we decided to take matters into our own hands and dedicate pasture and woodland acreage to heritage breed pigs.  Pigs are meant to live their lives outside, eating grass, roots, berries, nuts, and anything else they can find for foraging. To ensure they have sufficient calories, they also have access to a certified organic, non-GMO ration consisting of only peas and oats.  We NEVER feed corn, soy, hormones, or antibiotics. When available, we also provide an abundance of certified organic vegetables from our good friends and neighbors at Blooming Glen Farm CSA.  Just like with our beef, it takes much longer to raise pigs this way and costs significantly more, but to us it's worth it.  Here on our farm, it takes us double the amount of time compared to the commercial pork industry to raise pigs, requiring us nearly a year of grazing time out in the fields.  This is not the lean and flavorless "other white meat".  This is real pork with beautiful marbling, a deep color, and most importantly - FLAVOR!  We've had many customers tell us this is the best pork they've ever tasted and we couldn't agree more.  We're convinced you'll feel the same way too.

100% Pasture Raised, Slow Growing Heritage Breed Chicken

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What does your chicken eat?  Chances are, wherever you're sourcing it from, it's being raised in confinement on a concrete floor and fed nothing more than corn, soy, and antibiotics.  If the phrase "you are what you eat" is important to you, you'll appreciate how we raise these birds.  Living on lush green pastures, our chickens eat grass, clover, dandelions, worms, and anything else they can find.  This meat is very high in Omega-3 fatty acids (the good kind) when compared to industrial raised chicken.  They are NEVER fed corn, soy, hormones, or antibiotics.  Since they are raised outdoors, pastured chicken is very seasonal for us.  We only raise these birds from April through November, all the while trying to also build up enough supply to keep your needs met through the winter.  Additionally, we process and package these birds right here on farm, so they never have to endure the stress of transport to another facility.

Additionally, these are not the ultra lazy, modern industrial chickens engineered to gain weight so rapidly that their legs crush beneath them - instead, these are heritage breed birds that grow much more slowly and are perfectly suited for living a life on pasture. All of these things combine to create chicken with a superior taste compared to anything else out there.

100% Grass Fed and Grass Finished Lamb

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Much like our 100% grass fed beef, our lamb comes from animals NEVER fed any grain.  Katahdin sheep tend to be smaller than other breeds, but they do exceptionally well on a completely grass based diet.  They're also one of the breeds that never need to be sheared, as they shed their thick winter coats when warm weather arrives.  The majority of lamb you'll find elsewhere is raised and finished on grain because it's fast and cheap.  Just like cattle though, sheep are ruminants and are designed to eat nothing more than grass.  When you feed a ruminant grain, they get fat and sick.  Which type of animal would you prefer to eat meat from - one that is fat and sick, or one that is a healthy weight and not in need of pharmaceuticals to stay alive?