Our organic milk kefir grains are grown in our very own raw grass fed milk. These live grains allow you to make milk kefir much cheaper than purchasing ready made kefir. And it's easy too - see the instructions below! These kefir grains will grow quickly and produce as much kefir as you need!
The kefir grains are packaged in a glass bottle with milk.
You’ll Need:
To Make Your First Kefir:
To Start The Next Batch:
Return the grains to the fermentation jar… Pour in another pint of raw milk… Cover the jar with the cloth and repeat the whole process. It’s that easy!
Serving suggestion: Use a food processor or blender to puree your choice of fruit (frozen is best). Then blend the pureed fruit with the chilled kefir. If you want more sweetness, feel free to add maple syrup or other sweetener to suit your taste. It is totally up to you to decide how sweet you like it or what flavors to add. We enjoy banana, peach, strawberry, blueberry, nectarine, orange, apricot or even a blend of several. Your imagination is the limit!
(Try freezing cool pops with kefir instead of cool-aid. Your children will love them!...or freeze a pan of kefir and then process the frozen kefir with frozen fruit, and a little sugar. (It tastes almost exactly like sherbet.)
If You Need a Break from making kefir for a week or two… Hibernate the Grains:
Need a Longer Break? … Freeze the Grains.
Freezing won’t hurt them. It just puts them into a deeper sleep. :) Simply place the grains in a zip-lock bag and freeze. They should last up to a year if kept frozen. When ready to wake them, just thaw and use like normal. Remember… they will be sluggish for a few days.
Be Careful: If you use antibacterial soap or something like Clorox to wash the jar and kefir making tools… rinse well with clear water because any residuals could kill the grains. It is actually not necessary to wash your fermentation jar every time. The little bit of Kefir left on the inside of the fermentation jar will help the next batch get started.
NOTE: After several batches of daily kefir making, you’ll notice that you have more grains than you started with. When you have 4 tablespoons or so, you may start culturing 1 quart of raw milk per day…when you have ½ cup of grains they will culture up to ½ gallon per day. As the grains keep growing you’ll be looking for a friend who wants some Kefir Grains!
Questions? Call, email, or text us. We're happy to help.
For more info on the science behind it read: 9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Kefir.