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Truly Pasture Raised Turkey: Broth

⭐ Corn Free - Soy Free - Chemical Free ⭐

No vaccines, no antibiotics, no hormones, and always non-GMO.

100% pasture raised turkeys that are raised slowly, spending their entire lives in the fields, eating a full salad bar of plants and grasses including clover and dandelion.

In addition to what they forage for, we supplement with a specially formulated certified organic mix of field peas, alfalfa, oats, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, and Redmond Sea Salt.

For more information about our turkeys, scroll to the bottom of the page.

The most nourishing turkey you'll find...

✅ Raised slowly on pasture
✅ Corn Free and Soy Free
✅ Organically Fed
✅ Antibiotic Free
✅ GMO-Free
✅ Hormone Free
✅ Vaccine & mRNA Free
✅ Chemical Free
✅ Humanely raised, handled, and harvested

Turkey Bone Broth - Quart

72 Hour Kettle Cooked
Mineral & Collagen Rich
Just heat and serve
Perfect as a base for soup or gravy!


Read more about our Pasture Raised Turkey:

Truly pasture raised: Our turkeys spend their life on lush pastures, moving daily to fresh grass and clover.

Corn, Soy, and Gluten Free: Allergic to corn, soy, or wheat? Then we've got the turkey for you!

Chemical free: Always GMO free, chemical free, hormone free, and vaccine free. Most other pastured chicken farms feed corn, soy, and GMO's. Not us!

No antibiotics: By raising our turkeys on fresh grass with clean water and organic supplemental feed, they naturally stay healthy.

Humanely raised: We never cut off beaks - our birds are free to peck and scratch at the earth. We use less stress handling techniques to ensure a calm environment.

Quality processing: We carefully process each turkey by hand, directly on our farm using zero waste methods where all inedible nutrients are composted and returned to the soil.

We believe that animals should be raised in a way that mimics nature and ALWAYS treated with the utmost respect and care.

"Why does our pastured turkey taste so much better and different than other turkey?"

✓ Ours grow slowly. It takes us nearly half a year to raise each bird on lush green pastures. That slow growth creates flavor that typically isn't found in turkey. Nearly every other farm (including pasture based farms) raises ultra fast growing birds. Curious? Ask other farms how long they raise their birds.

✓ Perhaps it's because we NEVER feed corn or soy. Again, nearly every other farm (organic or conventional, pasture or confinement based) feeds a steady diet of corn and soy. It's cheap and puts weight on incredibly fast. Corn heavy diets contribute excessive levels of linoleic acid (omega-6) to food and soy is not a natural or healthy source of protein for turkeys. Curious? Ask any other farm what they feed their turkeys.

✓ It could also be that we prioritize a low stress environment. We are calm, quiet, and slow around the birds, barely speaking above a whisper and moving gently through the flock. This keeps them at ease and stress to a minimum. Stress creates hormones that can directly impact the flavor and texture of meat - we avoid it at all costs.

✓ Or it could also be that we hand-butcher our birds directly on our farm. There is no transport induced stress. On processing day, we gather them when it's dark out (they are in a trance like state when it's dark) and bring them calmly to our zero-waste, mobile processing trailer. Every part of the bird that isn't packaged (ie. feathers, etc.) gets composted so that their nutrients are returned to our soil.

✓ Maybe it's because our turkeys are raised on lush green pastures, full of grass and clover. Our pastures are 100% zero spray - no herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, or any o ther toxic chemicals are ever used, not even organically "approved" ones. Twice a day, our birds are moved to fresh grass. The tractor pulls the specially designed shelter forward and the turkeys run ahead, eager to forage on the new grass.

We think that all of these reasons combine to create the absolute best tasting, most nutrient dense turkey. It requires a lot more time, investment, and work but the resulting meat is far superior to any other turkey. We don't know of ANY other farm raising turkey like this.

In addition to what they forage for, we supplement with a specially formulated certified organic mix of field peas, oats, alfalfa, kelp, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, and Redmond Sea Salt.

This is truly pasture raised turkey!!

When you raise healthy animals in a way that mimics nature, you create the most nutrient dense foods! We let our turkeys be turkeys - they're free to peck and scratch in the fields during the day while safely roosting at night. We encourage this instinctual behavior. Happy animals that live in a low stress environment create delicious, healthy food.

Why do we raise turkeys this way?

Turkeys are meant to live their lives outside, growing slowly, and are perfectly suited for living a life on pasture. We raise our turkeys on our lush green fields, moving them to fresh ground twice a day. Our birds actively forage for bugs, worms, and a full salad bar of plants and grasses including clover and dandelion. This high foraging content of their diet makes their meat extra high in CLA and Omega-3's. It is very typical for the fat to have a yellow hue, as this is a direct result of beta-carotene in the plants. Just like with our beef, pork and lamb, it takes MUCH longer to raise turkeys this way and costs significantly more, but to us it's worth it. We raise our birds much longer and much more slowly than commercial turkey farms. This is not the bland, flavorless grocery store chicken. This is real turkey with FLAVOR and TEXTURE! We're convinced you'll feel it's the best turkey you've ever had.

We are thankful for the support of our community and are honored
to have a "5 star" Google rating!