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Eggs from Pasture Raised Birds

Always Corn Free & Soy Free. Non-GMO. No chemicals, no hormones, and no antibiotics.

100% pasture raised hens that spend their entire lives in the fields, eating a full salad bar of plants and grasses including clover and dandelion

In addition to what they forage for, we supplement with a specially formulated certified organic mix of field peas, alfalfa, oats, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, and Redmond Sea Salt.

Shop our Eggs below. For more information about the hens, scroll to the bottom of the page.

1 Dozen - Corn & Soy Free Chicken Eggs

From pasture raised hens. Sourced from multiple local, trusted small farms.

Save $0.75

1 Dozen - Duck Eggs

From pasture raised ducks


Corn & Soy Free Quail Eggs

18 eggs per pack. Petite and delicate

Read more about the Pasture Raised Egg Laying Hens:

We believe that animals should be raised in a way that mimics nature and ALWAYS treated with the utmost respect and care.

These heritage breed egg laying chickens are raised in their natural habitat - the fields. The chickens peck at plants and scratch at the ground in search of whatever foods they are craving.

These chickens have free access to wholesome and nutritious food.

In addition to what they forage for, they're supplemented with a specially formulated certified organic mix of field peas, oats, alfalfa, kelp, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, and Redmond Sea Salt.

These are truly pasture raised eggs!!

When you raise healthy animals in a way that mimics nature, you create the most nutrient dense foods! We let our chickens be chickens - they're free to peck and scratch in the fields during the day while safely roosting at night. We encourage this instinctual behavior. Happy animals that live in a low stress environment create delicious, healthy food.

Why raise chickens this way?

Chickens are meant to live their lives outside, growing slowly. Modern industrial egg laying chickens are confined to small cages and force fed cheap GMO grains. Instead, we feel chickens should be raised on lush green fields, being moved daily to fresh ground. These birds actively forage for bugs, worms, and a full salad bar of plants and grasses including clover and dandelion. This high foraging content of their diet makes their eggs extra high in CLA and Omega-3's. The color of each individual egg yolk will vary based on what each specific chicken chose to eat that day. Some days a hen will eat more grass and plants while other days they'll eat more worms and bugs. Grass and plants contain beta-carotene which provides the orange hue in yolks, while bugs and worms do not. This variation is often not seen in commercial eggs, as they'll feed artificial substances that create a consistently fake colored yolk. (We obviously refuse to do this) We've decided to offer two different varieties of truly pasture raised eggs: those from hens raised on a soy free diet and those from hens raised on a corn free and soy free diet. The hens who eat a corn free and soy free diet lay fewer eggs, thus increasing the costs associated with producing them. We've had many customers tell us these are the best eggs they've ever tasted and we couldn't agree more. We're convinced you'll feel the same way too.

We are thankful for the support of our community and are honored
to have a "5 star" Google rating!