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100% Grass Fed Lamb: Slow Cooking

โญ Pasture Raised - Truly Grass Fed and Grass Finished. Never fed grains. โญ

No chemicals, no hormones, no vaccines, and no antibiotics.

Raised slowly by our friends at Bonnie Blue Farms, just a few miles down the road from us, spending their entire lives eating nothing more than grass and other pasture plants like clover, dandelion, and more.

In addition to grazing on grass, they are always provided free choice access to minerals and sea salt.

Shop 100% Grass Fed Lamb below. For more information, scroll to the bottom of the page.

A full lamb restock will occur in early April.

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Read more about Pasture Raised 100% Grass Fed Lamb:

We believe that animals should be raised in a way that mimics nature and ALWAYS treated with the utmost respect and care.

The herd of Katahdin sheep are raised in their natural habitat - on lush green pastures and are rotationally grazed to ensure the grass has had time to regrow and soak up nutrients.

The sheep have free access to wholesome and nutritious food.

During the warm seasons, the sheep are free to graze acres and acres of grass lands. During the cooler times, they are provided access to shelter for protection from harsh weather and are supplemented with grass hay. They always have free choice access to minerals sea salt.

This is truly pasture raised 100% grass fed lamb!!

When you raise healthy animals in a way that mimics nature, you create the most nutrient dense foods! The sheep are free to run wild, kick up dirt, browse lush green pastures, nap under the shade of trees, and "migrate" together as a herd. Happy animals that live in a low stress environment create delicious, healthy food.

Why raise sheep this way?

Sheep are meant to live their lives outside, eating grass and foraging for other pasture plants. Being ruminants, they are designed to consume plants only and should never be fed grain. While the commodity lamb industry produces large quantities of lamb very quickly by feeding cheap gmo grains, the sheep suffer because of it. Confined and fed a steady diet of grain, they get sick easily which is why the industry relies so heavily on the regular feeding of antibiotics to keep them alive just long enough to process. For us, this is completely unacceptable and it's why we only offer meat that was raised in a natural, pasture based environment. Just like with our beef, pork, and chicken, it takes MUCH longer to raise sheep this way and costs significantly more, but to us it's worth it. On grass alone, it takes DOUBLE the amount of time compared to the commercial lamb industry to raise sheep, requiring more than a year of grazing time out in the fields. We've had many customers tell us this is the best lamb they've ever tasted and we couldn't agree more. We're convinced you'll feel the same way too.

We are thankful for the support of our community and are honored
to have a "5 star" Google rating!